Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The little boy and the wizard

Once upon a time there lived a little boy ,he lived in an old village.The boy was called Sam. Sam liked to go into the forest it was quiet ,dark and slippery.One day in the forest Sam heard magic,then again he heard a woosh again and again.Suddenly it ran out of control an magic shot everywhere but sam saw a wizard. the wizard ran through the magic and caugh sam.the wizard went on his broom stick up to his tree hut. the wizard lived in a tree. The woodcutter heard Sam yellling as loud as he could. The woodcutter started to cut down the trees. Then the wizard heard a noise.  He realised the tree hut was leaning.  it fall down. sam got away and ran to the river but the wizard got Sam again at the river. The wizard caught Sam. Sam slipped out of the wizard wrinkly hands. Sam pushed the wizard into the river and he was never seen again.

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